It’s hard
to believe that when Dylan first released this song in 1964, everyone said that
it would be outdated right away. This was mainly because critics though that
the fight for freedom and civil rights would be over really soon. But is this
song outdated? Were the critics right about this?
From my
point of view, this song is more relevant than ever. The last ten years have
been really important to show that people is tired of how this society is
working. Because, even if Afro American people have found respect in the last several
years, there are still a lot of minorities fighting to be treated like normal
people and to have equal rights. For example, the Mexicans working in the
States or the Peruvian people working in our country are really segregated; they
are treated like criminals even if their only sin was to search for a better
life in another country. This also applies to all the sexual minorities who are
treated like second class citizens who have no right to live their lives the
way they want to. Even if the song does not make explicit reference to these
problems, it still talks about injustice in general and how we, as citizens, have
the obligation to fight for what is right because this is our only chance to
make a difference.
Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with
your pen
And keep your eyes
The chance won't come
Come mothers and
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't
Your sons and your
Are beyond your
This song
might have been written almost 50 years ago, but it has aged brilliantly. Everything
it talks about and everything it represents is still relevant for us today. I
hope that just like the song states, politicians can hear how people is
screaming for a better system and that they have to stop blocking our way.
Come senators,
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has
There's a battle
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your
And rattle your walls
For the times they are
So, what do you think about this song? Is it still relevant? I would love to know your opinion, so please leave a comment!